Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Internet

As time goes by I spend even more time on the internet. I hopelessly browse Facebook looking for someone to talk to, someone to talk to me. I never find it. It seems that even though you are on someone's "friend" list you still don't have the right to talk to them. Social networking sites are nothing but huge popularity contests, I've had enough of high school thanks.
The amount of people who will talk trash over the internet continues to amaze me. I constantly live under the thought of: " What if they do actually find me and I've just told them to " Go F**k your own dog whilst giving a reach around to a spider monkey"?". Smack talk over a keyboard will always be that, over a keyboard. A screen makes anyone feel like Rocky, and whilst the internet exists, this will always happen.
The Google safe search filter has been a bane on lives ever since the invention of man. It hinders man's search for that elusive naked picture of a celebrity. Because man may well be in work or in church, but, the opportunity to see Katie Perry's nipples is an opportunity that no-one can pass up.